Her honorable mention serves as a beacon of hope and a reminder of the profound impact one person can make through passion, perseverance, and love.

Mary Ann one of our key founders, embodied the essence of compassion, resilience, and vibrancy throughout her remarkable journey. From her early years as a caring and determined individual, to her inspiring work as a nurse and advocate for women’s health, Mary Ann’s legacy shines brightly.
Her story with her partner is a testament to enduring love and the power of reconnection. Meeting in high school as sweethearts, their paths diverged before intertwining once more in 2000, leading to a joyous marriage and a fulfilling life together in Oregon.
Driven by her lifelong passion for nursing and a deep-seated commitment to women’s health, Mary Ann pursued her dreams at UCSF’s graduate program. Her dedication and research at Oregon Health and Science University School of Nursing paved the way for significant advancements in emergency room protocols, particularly in how women are approached and treated.
Not content with merely retiring, Mary Ann channeled her energy into meaningful volunteer work, notably with Coffee Creek Quilters, where she discovered the transformative power of quilting in empowering incarcerated women.
Her compassion knew no bounds as she extended her reach to marginalized women in Kenya, supporting Kenya Quilts for Empowerment to provide support and dignity to those suffering from obstetric fistulas, a cause often overlooked by society.
Mary Ann’s tireless advocacy, coupled with her unwavering kindness, continues to uplift and inspire countless lives, leaving an indelible mark on the world.

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